Category: Health Insurance

How Louisiana Blue Protects Your Healthcare Access

When I was a young boy growing up in Morgan City in the 1960s, there was an event I really looked forward to every year. My dad (the Straight Talk founder) worked for an oil company, and every year they would host a company picnic. Two picnics in a row, actually, since most of their workers were offshore seven days, then home seven days. The double picnics gave everyone a chance to attend. So on consecutive Saturdays in May, the company would have picnics, and I got to go to BOTH of them! Read more

Category: ACA and Policy, Cost of Healthcare, Government Programs, Health Insurance

The Challenges of Staying “Louisiana Blue”

Way back in 2009, when I went to Washington, D.C. on behalf of your Louisiana Blue Plan for the first time, I discovered some amazing things. You might call me a wide-eyed, first-timer in the Big City (even though I was already 48 years old!) as I met lobbyists, legislators, staffers for a bunch of influential people, and policymakers intent on writing what eventually became the Affordable Care Act. Read more