Category: ACA and Policy, Cost of Healthcare, Government Programs, Health Insurance

The Public Options and the Single-Sided Salad Bar

As the federal government continues to create high-stakes borrowing packages toward various areas of COVID relief, the subject of more government involvement in paying for healthcare has arisen in a variety of ways. Words like “public option” and “Medicare at 50 (or 55 or 60)” have re-entered the Congressional vocabulary as some people in Congress push really hard to get more of us on government sponsored and run health insurance.

The good news is we don’t have to guess how that will go. We already have tons of examples here and in other countries of the trade-offs between private health insurance and government-run programs.

The Straight Talk is, we’ve already illustrated these differences graphically and simply right here, comparing government-run plans to a Single-Sided Salad Bar (3:56). Confused by that reference? Watch the video (3:56) to find out what I mean.

Posted on: May 13, 2021

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