Category: Government Programs

Category: Government Programs, Health Insurance

What Are They Trying to Hide from You?

I’ve been so blessed the past few years. Since 2019, all three of my kids have married, one has had a child (hilarious!) and we have another grandchild on the way. My lovely wife retired after 35 years working hard as a registered nurse in various roles here in Louisiana. She’s now having fun as a full-time caregiver for a very busy 7-month-old boy! He’s at my house a lot, which makes my life even more fun! Call me Gramps! Read more

Category: Government Programs, Health Insurance

Turkey, Pecan Pie and Medicare Annual Enrollment

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. While you’re asking your aunt to finally share the secret ingredient in her famous pecan pie, she might be asking you for help picking a Medicare plan. She’ll be much more likely to spill the hush-hush element in her recipe if you can share tips that help her find and enroll in a quality Medicare Advantage (MA) or Medicare Supplement insurance plan. Read more

Category: ACA and Policy, Cost of Healthcare, Government Programs, Health Insurance

Looking for Individual Health Insurance? Don’t Get Taken for a Ride

The first group of Louisianians who no longer qualify for Medicaid will be removed from the rolls next Saturday, July 1. Over the next year, tens of thousands of Louisianians could lose their government health insurance.

I’ve written about making sure you KEEP your coverage if you are eligible. But not everyone on Medicaid today will remain eligible.

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Category: ACA and Policy, Government Programs, Health Insurance

The Times They Are A-Changing

COVID-19 Coverage Changes at the End of the Public Health Emergency

It’s been a long, long road, but the federal government officially ended the COVID-19 public health emergency (that began in March 2020) on May 11, 2023. This means some changes to your health coverage related to COVID-19, and we here at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana want to make sure you are very clear on what’s changing … and what’s staying the same. Read more