Requiem for the Individual Mandate
Requiem for the Individual Mandate
I’ve always liked the word “requiem,” which the dictionary says means “a ceremony or remembrance of someone who has passed away.”
Requiem for the Individual Mandate
I’ve always liked the word “requiem,” which the dictionary says means “a ceremony or remembrance of someone who has passed away.”
“Well, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, and I’ve developed a strategy for the holidays that revolves around one of my Top 10 items: Focus on quality, and avoid the empty calories.”
Note: This week, Mike is letting members of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana’s Clinical Services team give you Straight Talk on how the national opioid epidemic is affecting Louisiana, and what we are doing to help everyone lower their risks and prevent prescription drug abuse.
Drug Company Magic: What’s the fastest growing thing that affects the cost of your health insurance premiums? The answer may surprise you.
Just a few days ago, we got this post on Facebook:
“I want to start by saying thank you for helping my autistic son out so much for so long. He has made significant progress at the therapy center he goes to and he now has hopes for an independent life. But…I can’t afford you anymore. Last year, my son’s insurance went up significantly. We just received the letter, like last year, saying it was going up again a significant amount again next year. I cannot fathom paying anymore in insurance, which his alone is already more than my mortgage. More than my mortgage…How is it possible for anything to actually get better for my family at this breakneck pace… My son needs help….And I’ll probably stick with you….Because you’re the only safe option for my son.”
Blue Cross Healthcare Economist Mike Bertaut is on the road, on the job and around Louisiana. Now is your chance to follow along, as he brings the Straight Talk to you and your fellow Louisianians in our new series of videos.