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Category: ACA and Policy, Cost of Healthcare, Government Programs, Health and Wellness, Health Insurance

Straight Talk to Video

Blue Cross Healthcare Economist Mike Bertaut is on the road, on the job and around Louisiana. Now is your chance to follow along, as he brings the Straight Talk to you and your fellow Louisianians in our new series of videos.

The Holy Grail of Health Insurance: making patients healthier BEFORE they need intense and expensive treatments. The result, healthier members and lower costs. Blue Cross think it’s found the holy grail.

Healthcare 101: Introducing Mike Bertaut, Blue Cross’s Healthcare Economist and the voice of Straight Talk.

Health insurance isn’t like car insurance: Federal law changed the way health insurance is sold

Can you afford your deductible?: What is the deal with Cost-Sharing Reductions? Bertaut breaks it down.

Lessons learned & applied: If you aren’t saving for a rainy day, you will take a beating when it pours.

One comment on “Straight Talk to Video

  1. Lonnie Bernard

    My wife and I are self employed. Our insurance with blue Cross is over 1700.00
    A month. We are 61 and 62 years old. I just
    Can’t see affording the cost and increase
    Much longer. I have a 1900 dollar deductible. I would like a HSA approval high
    Deductible to bring the premium down. My Bcbs agent could only save me about 250.00 a month for 6000.deductable what the heck. Yes Bcbs could help the small business people and the government too


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