Category: Health and Wellness

Category: Health and Wellness

Kids Going Back to School? Put an Annual Checkup on the To Do List

I’m traveling this week and taking a break from writing. Instead, here is our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Vindell Washington, with a post about keeping your children healthy. Why is this important to talk about on a blog about healthcare costs? Well, for one, it meets Blue Cross’s mission of improving the health and lives of Louisianians. Second, staying healthy is one way to keep healthcare costs down, as well as reduce missed days of school and work. I know that’s important to the people who read this blog.

–        MB 

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Category: Cost of Healthcare, Health and Wellness, Health Insurance

Islands of Hope at Blue Cross

There is an ocean of healthcare data out there. And sometimes, it’s easy to feel like a ship floating in the middle of that water with no destination in sight. At Blue Cross, our lead data expert sees islands of hope as we analyze data and act upon the insights we learn. We find answers that lead us to innovations or confirm new ways that result in better care and health outcomes.
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Category: Government Programs, Health and Wellness, Health Insurance

Baseball, Cataracts and Single-Payer Healthcare, Part 1

I can remember it like it was yesterday, but it was fully 50 years ago. There I was, a tubby 8-year-old, strong for my age and tall, but chunky, all decked out in my Little League baseball uniform looking for all the world like a young Babe Ruth. “Hamer’s Hammers” was emblazoned across my jersey in big blue letters; “13” broadly across my back.

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