Category: Government Programs

Category: ACA and Policy, Cost of Healthcare, Government Programs, Health Insurance

So, THAT was a surprise! With President Trump, What Happens to My Health Insurance?

I have been pummeled with many, many different reactions since the Nov. 8 election and more questions than I can shake a stick at. I suspect my next few blog posts will be about roughly these same topics. But, before we dive into the questions, let me tell you a bit of what I’ve figured out so far about the future of health insurance and the Affordable Care Act (healthcare reform law).

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Category: ACA and Policy, Cost of Healthcare, Government Programs, Health Insurance, Uncategorized

The Great Flood of 2016: Staring down a potential health crisis

It’s been a pretty crazy week. Just since I last wrote to you, Donald Trump came to town, President Obama came to town. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Red Cross and lots of other organizations are here distributing money and supplies and food. Relief has been pouring in from far and wide. We’re so grateful!

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Category: ACA and Policy, Cost of Healthcare, Government Programs, Health Insurance

How the Healthcare Law Has Changed the Individual Health Insurance Marketplace

In January 2010, just a few months before healthcare reform law passed, I got a study by a national actuarial firm that measured the impact of state regulations on health insurance plan pricing. This study showed WIDE variation in the definition of an individual health insurance policy, and how plans were priced, from state to state.

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